Author Archives: Jesu

10 Things I Miss From When I Was Human … Sort of.

10 Things I Miss Form When I Was Human
By Jesu ta Korento

1. Eating solid foods.

2. Watching the sun rise and not being blinded by it.

3. Sleeping.

4. Not knowing what is going to happen in the future.

5. Simplicity.

6. … *Shrug* I don’t know, I rather enjoy being a vampire. I am staring over…

10 Things I Love About Being a Vampire

1. Having powers.

2. Being at the top of the food chain.

3. Being one of the strongest creatures on the planet.

4. Never feeling tired or needing sleep.

5. The way blood tastes.

6. Seeing in the dark.

7. Having acute hearing and sense of smell.

9. Healing rapidly.

10. Staying young for a much longer amount of time.

See, that was much easier.

– Jesu.